Services of Governance, Risk management & Compliance

Company Reputation Dossier

This contains all information from external sources concerning legal entities.

The focus of the assessment is the level of risk exposure of legal persons or entities, and therefore that of their representatives; a study is made of their operational history (operational risk) and background in terms of reputation (reputational risk), economic conditions and compliance risk (legal-judicial affairs).

It also includes an indication of all the commercial affairs in which the entity has been involved over the past 5-10 years (judicial proceedings, protests, bankruptcy procedures, and legal entries and registrations), asset verifications and, for joint-stock companies, an analysis of the financial indicators resulting from a comparison of the items in the recent financial statements.

The company’s public legal data is then supplemented by findings gathered on-site and indications from economic operators in that specific field.

The dossier concludes with a reliability assessment (an opinion on the credit that may be granted).